I Love My Clients :: Reason # 151

May 29, 2009 Personal
as many of you know, i love & adore my clients. i love it when a client becomes a friend -- to me there is nothing better.

today, as Danielle & i were working away in the studio, we were pleasantly surprised by a woman at the door wearing a smile & holding this :
truly, we both couldn't believe our eyes!! not only was it cookies (which we *heart*), but it was the sweetest & most thoughtful cookie arrangement that we have ever received. this scrumptious treat was sent to us by Rachel & Bret, whom we had the great pleasure of documenting last year.
we were not only completely floored by their thoughtfulness, but also loooooved their incredible attention to detail (which was no surprise there considering the ah!mazing details from their wedding!). from the Canon camera, to the mini replica of their awesome wedding cake, all done in their wedding colors -- simply brilliant!
Rachel & Bret,,, you completely put a perma-smile upon our faces today! Danielle & i have not only already devoured the heart-shaped cookie (soooo good!) but will never be able to really tell you how much this sweet gesture meant to us. we have really enjoyed working with you both, as well as getting to know you even better throughout this entire journey! we hope you realize the uber remarkable people that you are. thank you again.

with great heart & gratitude,

ksen & danielle
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